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C/C++ Assignments

           C Practical Workbook:       Download

1. Library management system which is made using the C language for handling files. Simple C files make up the database of this project and it can be very handy for people who are just starting out with projects in C. the project will let students add and view records, save and modify records and even delete records. The entire program is password protected.

2. Calendar application is also another C project that uses window properties for making it appear attractive. The calendar can be handy for viewing dates and months and also for showing the day corresponding to a particular date. There are simple arrow keys for easy navigation.

3. Employee record system can be taken as another fantastic C project idea because it involves menus for basic database management. The data can be written and read in binary files, records can be modified and deleted and the project works very well for students stepping into the world of database management.

4. Finding LCM or GCD

5. Simple digital clock program

6. Medical store inventory system

7. Student record system using files as database

8. Quiz applications can be created using C where the source code is divided into multiple header files for better management. The project is divided into player and administrator modes and questions can be suitably added, edited and deleted through the administrator mode.

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